Friday, September 28, 2012

Notes for Final Project

In my paper, I will be exploring what makes a game competitive. I will look at whether a game is, or has ever been, an Major League Gaming title and why it is still there, if it is. Also, I'll look into what individual aspects of a game add to the competitive nature of the game and how all of those aspects come together to balance out a game and make it enjoyable for players.

The first resource I will be using is the actual MLG website: MLG has forums that talk about why a game has been removed from the circuit, rules for play, and loads of info on all of the current MLG games. The two series that I will be examining are Super Smash Brothers and Halo. I have personal experience with both of these games and have been a part of the community of Halo and SSB for many years.

The second resource I'll use is Major League Gaming goes big league. This is an article back from 2006, talking about what MLG is and how it wants to affect the gaming community. Clearly, the audience has grown drastically since 2006, and I will use this article as a "before photo" so to speak, contrasting it with the community now in 2012.

Thirdly, I will use MLG details pre-release Halo 4 Tournament for Dallas to give a fuller idea of the true size of MLG. The fact that Halo 4 will be accepted into MLG play before it is even released, coupled with the $40,000 in prizes, should be enough to make anybody take gaming seriously. Thousands of people will watch even small tournaments via live streaming, which I will detail more in depth in the paper.

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